Monday, December 29, 2008

New Travels (with a baby this time)

Where to begin - I was lazy on my India/ Thailand trip a year and a half ago. I didn't use my blog, I don't want to get into it now, nor that trip. Frankly I'm too tired and I want to get as much out as I can.

The movie I'm currently working on (The Factory starring John Cusack) has been shut down for a bit. I will be going back to it at some point - hopefully a few weeks into January. So do you know what that means........It's time to Blow My Money!!!!!!!

In between my last journey and this one I got married and had a child. So this trip has a baby to really spice things up. That being said, I don't know how often I'll get to update this blog. MY wife and child are sleeping at the moment, so I have time to blog.

Our journey will be a brisk 3 weeks of London, Greece, Paris, and southwest Ireland. All with free places to stay! Except for a few nights in hotels. We've just landed in London (where my wife's uncle lives) m then it's off to Athens to see on old friend of hers, then to Paris to see here sister and family, then we fly to Cork and train to Killarney to see another old friend of hers. So really this trip is about her friends and family. I won't be getting into my normal sort of troubles(unless I get sick again). But with a baby it's a new kind of travelling. Right now the most important thing is getting him to adjust to jet lag. I hope we don't have to get up at 3am, but who knows.

So check back here for more adventures, Blow My Money is back in business.

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