Saturday, May 13, 2006

Barcelona - Bar scene vs Club scene

Well, had quite an ordeal.
Please forgive the mistakes, I.m in Tangiers and the keyboard is completely different.

First off, Fed Ex can not always be counted on, but most of you probably know that. My much anticipated ATM card is finally in my possession after a trek to the industrial zone far outside of Barcelona. Of course it dosen.t work, but I.ll get to that later.

The Bar scene of Barcelona is incredible. All kinds off cool hang outs. Our first night there we meet up with Ariel.s friends from high school and one of their super hot roomates. Isn.t it always the case that your with your girlfriend when your surrounded by women? I was the first to go home at 3:30am, the girls came back at 5. Just like Madrid, this town never sleeps. The difference is that the crowd is younger, more hip, and far more attractive in Barcelona. If clubbing is your thing, go to Madrid, if you like to actually talk to people and hang out, go to Barcelona. On the second night we went out for a birthday party for one of Ariel.s friends. She took us to a non-touristy part of town which was even cooler than the first night. Every place we went was awesome. Great drinks, good tapas, cool bar tenders who hung out with us. Iwish this would of made Barcelona really wonderful for me, but I was constantly worried about my financial situation.

Everything that could have gone wrong; did go wrong. The bank forgot to send out my fedex for a whole day, it got held up in customs, they driver couldn.t find the address, I had to miss my flight to Malaga and get one the next day for only 6 times the price, and I had to journey to the middle of industrial nowhere on a series of cabs and buses. Only to the find out that I can.t use the card as an ATM, only a credit card that I have to use inside of a bank to take a cash advance on - albeit without the cash advance fee. Thank you Washington Mutual, only made me stress the fuck out everyday of my vacation. But alas I.m finally over it and refuse to let it ruin my trip.

So we finally got the hell out of Barcelona this morning. After a flight and a bus ride we made it to Algeciras at the bottom of Spain. I then decided to take the cheap Moroccan slow ferry as opposed to the quick Spanish one. Boy would I regret that. It was supposed to take 2 hours, it took 4. Then when we arrived we had to wait an extra half hour for a passport control guy to show up, while all the Spanish ferries have a guy on board during the whole trip. But finally here, now waiting on a bus. I heard that Tangiers was shitty and dangerous and that I should avoid it, but that.s the shit I love. But they wrong, Tangiers is great, I like a little hassle, as long as it dosen;t involve my money.

Pictures very soon, got to catch a bus.

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